Avvaiyar life History

Avvaiyar (also spelled Auvaiyar) was a poet and a philosopher from ancient Tamil Nadu, India. 

She was a prominent figure during the reign of the Chola dynasty and was known for her wisdom and her devotion to the Tamil language. 

Avvaiyar's works include several poems and couplets that are still popular today and are considered to be masterpieces of Tamil literature

Some of her famous works include "Aathichudi" and "Kondrai Vendan". Avvaiyar's poems are considered to be not only literary works but also works of moral instruction. 

She is considered as one of the most prominent female poets in Tamil Literature.

Avvaiyar Padalgal

Avvaiyar's poems, also known as "padalgal," are considered to be some of the most important works in the Tamil literary tradition. Her poetry is known for its simplicity, clarity, and moral instruction. Some of her most famous poems include:

"Aathichudi" - A poem that consists of moral guidelines and instructions on how to lead a good life.

"Kondrai Vendan" - A poem that praises the beauty and bounty of nature.

"Muppaal" - A poem that teaches the importance of humility and self-control.

"Kanakku Thambiyam" - A poem that teaches the importance of education and knowledge.

"Aandu Kappiyam" - A poem that teaches the importance of hard work and perseverance.

Avvaiyar's poems have been passed down through generations and continue to be studied and admired for their literary and moral value. 

Her poetry is considered as the one of the finest examples of Tamil poetry and are still recited and sung in Tamil Nadu.

Avvaiyar In Tamil

Avvaiyar is a prominent figure in the Tamil literary tradition. She was a poet and philosopher known for her wisdom and her devotion to the Tamil language. 

Her works, known as "padalgal," include several poems and couplets that are still popular today and are considered to be masterpieces of Tamil literature. 

Some of her famous works include "Aathichudi" and "Kondrai Vendan." These works are considered not only as literary works but also works of moral instruction. 

Avvaiyar's poetry is known for its simplicity, clarity, and moral instruction. 

Her poetry is considered as the finest examples of Tamil poetry and are still recited and sung in Tamil Nadu. 

Many consider her as one of the most prominent female poets in Tamil Literature.

Avvaiyar age

The exact birth and death dates of Avvaiyar are not known. 

She is believed to have lived in ancient Tamil Nadu, India during the reign of the Chola dynasty, which flourished between the 9th and 13th centuries CE. 

According to legends and traditional accounts, Avvaiyar was a woman of advanced age and was known for her wisdom and her devotion to the Tamil language. 

Some legends say she lived for more than a hundred years and was considered a symbol of longevity and wisdom. 

However, there is no historical evidence to confirm her age and the legends surrounding her are just folklore.


Aathichudi is a famous poem written by the ancient Tamil poet Avvaiyar. 

The poem is considered to be one of Avvaiyar's most notable works and is known for its moral instruction and guidelines on how to lead a good life. 

The poem is made up of 100 couplets, and each couplet is a moral principle or an instruction on how to live an ethical and virtuous life.

Aathichudi is considered as a guidebook for living a good life and it deals with various aspects of life such as morality, ethics, and personal conduct. 

The poem is written in simple and easy to understand language, making it accessible to all. 

The verses of the poem are short, pithy and easy to remember, which helped people to remember and follow the instructions in their daily lives.

Aathichudi is not only considered as a literary masterpiece but also as a guidebook for leading an ethical life. 

It's been passed down through generations and still holds a special place in the hearts of the Tamil people. 

The poem is considered as the one of the most important works in the Tamil literary tradition and is still studied and admired for its literary and moral value.

Aathichudi Poem Online

In conclusion, 

Aathichudi is a poem written by Avvaiyar that is known for its moral instruction and guidelines on how to lead a good life. 

It is considered as a guidebook for living a good life and is still admired for its literary and moral value. 

The poem is simple and easy to understand, making it accessible to all, and is still considered as one of the most important works in the Tamil literary tradition.